Client Information

How to Choose a Safe Practioner

Unfortunately, there is no Compulsory Register for Aesthetic

 Practioners in the UK

At Safe Faces we have invited


to join our


Any Practioner who has received a

Certificate of Registration



has submitted their


(not just one day certificates)

How to find a Registered Practioners?

Find Qualified Registered Practioners Here

Take responsibility for your treatment.

What is an Aesthetic Practioner?

An Aesthetic Practioner has undertaken specific training to deliver treatments which may involve the piercing of the skin to inject products or devices.

  Injectable products like Dermal Fillers, Botulinum Toxin (Botox) or

 Vitamin Drips or the insertion of PDO or COG Threads

  Surface Skin Treatment which require a high degree of training and

understanding of anatomy for client safety.

 Examples would be Permanent Makeup, Microblading, Chemical Peels & Laser Treatments.

Treatment which involve heat or cold using equipment. 

 The insertion of devices into the skin for rejuvenation, PDO & Cog Threads.

If its cheap its cheap for a reason

Many Practioners Advertise they are 'FULLY QUALIFIED' when in fact they have no qualifications at all. 

They may have completed a one day fast track certificate or CPD*. 

CPD is not a qualification it has little value unless it is on top of qualifiactions.*

Don't have treatment done because its the cheapest, your Practioner may not be using

legal or safe products, or be insured


How to choose a practitioner? 

 In this social media age where images play such a strong influential role

in decision making its easy to be seduced into booking an appointment

 from what you see,

but you are not seeing your face so results will vary.

The person offering or advertising to do treatments may have no qualifications in Aesthetics.

They may have completed a one day fast track course, cheap and quick, certificate, gained a 'certificate'

and advertise themselves as 'fully qualified' when factually they have

 no qualifications at all in Aesthetic Practice

If your Practioner has a Healthcare qualification (Doctor, Nurse, Dentist) doesn't mean they will be trained to a high standard in Aesthetics?

 Many do an afternoons course before starting to practice.

They may be wonderful medics but not so good at Aesthetics. 

 A medical or nursing degree does not necessarily equip

 a Practioner with the skills to deliver satisfactory or safe treatment.

You may chose to have a Beauty Therapist do your treatment.

  A Beauty Therapist is not an Aesthetic Practioner.

Whilst they may be excellent at Beauty Therapy

they may lack the underpinning knowledge to carry out treatment

 or rectify an emergency situation.

 Be cautious of treatment in an non-clinical environment.

 Ask Questions. Read reviews. Have a consultation.

Don't just book on Price.

* CPD - Continuous Professional Development is intended to build on the foundation of recognised accredited Qualifications (not Certificates)

What should you be looking for in Safe Practice

Look at our listings of Aesthetic Practioners to see what level of training in Aesthetics a Practioner has attained.

Is you Practioner Professional?

 Does your Practioner  look professional

 Do they work in a clinical, clean environment

  Are they registered with Environmental Health where required by law

 Do you have to complete extensive paperwork before treatment

  making sure you are suitable and safe to have treatment

  Is everything shown to you, products opened in-front of you

If 'Botox' treatment, did you see a box with your prescription on it

'Botox' is a prescription only product

  Do you get a product leaflet with a batch number and aftercare instruction when you leave

  Can you pay by card

  Did you get a receipt.

All questions you should ask yourself before undertaking treatment. 

Find Qualified Aesthetic Practioners Here
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